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Failure to plan

is a plan to fail


Have you ever said to yourself, "if only I had more money...?" The truth is you actually have a lot more than you think!
The Your Family Bank concept teaches a proven personal financial literacy program that is based on steps that will teach your clients how to get immediate control of their spending, debt, savings, and taxation. It is the only comprehensive financial management system in the industry today that helps individuals and families effectively manage every aspect of their financial lives. 
You can live within your means, get out of debt, and double - even triple your wealth!
...It all begins with our 7 Steps!
Your Family Bank concept provides a solution for paying off debt, reducing taxes and increasing retirement savings using a safe, predictable product that provides guarantees. YFB shows clients how to be free from lenders in approximately 9 years or less, including their mortgage, without spending any additional dollars.



Our system gives producers and clients a simple user friendly approach to a complex problem. We offer a cloud based software that shows a comprehensive comparison utilizing whole life to effectively pay down debt in the most efficient manner possible.
  • Fast track training program
  • Webinar calls
  • Brand new training site
  • Case design help
  • Mark & Joyce Marketing Video
  • 7 Step presentation
  • And much more!
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